#8 For the Love of Reading

To Read or Not to Read

     Growing up I always had an immense passion for reading. I loved the way you could absolutely lose yourself in a book. It doesn't matter where you are, what you are going through, or what is expected of you, the moment a good book is in your hands it can all just slip away. This feeling has always captured me, and I admire any author who can not only do it once, but who repeatedly writes books that are just inescapable. This wonder and emotion is something that I knew I wanted to pass onto my students. I have always loved to read, and there is never a moment that I am not "currently reading" a book. However, I do go long stretches without cracking it open. This class allowed to reignite that passion and love I have for reading. 
     I want to teach Kindergarten for a million reasons, and I truly admire a well written or beautifully illustrated picture book. However, I have debated teaching other grades simply for the desire to read. Kindergarteners are often so excited to crack open a book and check it out, but the conversations are quite different than one with a fifth grader who read a chapter book and  can then discuss its meaning and emotions. I want to instill a love of reading in every single students that walks through my classroom doors, but I also fear that love will fade. In my perfect world, every teacher would be fueled by a love a reading and a passion to instill that into their students, and I hope that this course reignited others love for reading.


  1. Carrington thanks for sharing! I have enjoyed your perspective on the topics we have discussed. I would agree that the conversations with Kindergarteners is very different. I loved reading to my 3rd graders because they were able to reach a higher level of thinking. We could go more in depth with certain topics and they used their prior knowledge to expand conversations.

  2. I agree with you about picture books. I want to teacher Preschool or first grade. Both of these age groups will use a lot of picture books. A good picture book can teach everything from Math (The man who measured the World) To science (I am>>> by Brad Meltzer). These books combine the use of written language with beautiful illustrations that tell their own story.

  3. I agree with you about kindergarten, there is nothing more magical than the first year of school! However, teaching 5th grade is something that fed my soul, and you listed the reasons why!


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